So I was on Wategoes Beach the other day, taking photos of the waves coming in over the rocks, enjoying some time to myself away from all the computers people.
After getting a couple of good ones, I wandered back to my car and noticed a rather attractive, bikini-clad woman on the beach strutting around posing for a pro photographer with big L series lenses and so forth. I still had my camera in my hand as the woman noticed me She made an immediate B-line for me, marching up to my car and right into my face. ordering me to show her what photos were on my camera! I was like
"oh, she's interested in what photos ive taken of the surf - Cool!"
but it was the way she went about it that took me aback. I said "hang on, why should I show you? Who are you, i don't have to show you."
She was very adamant about seeing the pictures, trying to claw my camera out of my hands. I let her have it as the photographer wandered over. He said,
"Mate SHOW her the pictures!"
By this stage i was really wondering who the hell I was dealing with. She said to me
"don't you know who I am?!"
i said
"no not really".
The photographer said,
"Mate, this is Elle MacPherson".
To this i said
"ahhhh o....kay, right, and she is trying to steal my camera"
As she cycled through my shots she found that there was absolutley nothing of her on the memory card at all.
I said,
"Are you really Elle MacPherson?"
The photographer said, no mate, she's a lookalike. Its actually Claudia Schiffer.."
She demanded to see my other memory card.
I said
"What is this!"
and the photographer said that lots of paparazzi were hanging around all day trying to get shots of her. I still thought the two of them were bullshitting me about who this woman really was. I went to the boot of my car and got my other memory card and showed her some photos on it form a previous shoot.
By this time they realized that i really didn't think it was Elle and the I was harmless. She introduced herself as Lee and I shook her hand with a nice big smile.
After that, they went to the beach and continued their photo shoot as I looked on.
I ran into a friend later on and mentioned what had happened, still not thinking that it really was Elle that I had a run-in with.
He said to me that Elle actually was in town this week and had been seen in a few places being photographed!
Oh well, she was nice about it in the end and I guess she is just preserving her image.
In hindsight if I had more wits about me I would have asked if i could hold the reflector while they did the rest of thier photoshoot!